Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gettin'er Done

Now that I have the second part of the rewrite out of the way, I can focus on more mundane matters.
Today I'll be taking the car in for some much needed maintenance and repairs. I'll actually enjoy that since I can kick back and read while they're fixing the car. A whole morning of nothing but me, a book, and a nearby snack machine.
Next I need to finish up The Barrow Wolf. I'll probably start working on that tonight. There is no real rush on it...the anthology it's slated to be submitted for doesn't even close till this autumn...but I don't like to leave a piece lying around where it might be forgotten. Better to finish it while it's still fresh. That way I will also have two short stories, two flash fictions, and most of one rewrite already done this year. I don't want to fall behind.
Busy! Busy! Busy!

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