Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Natives are Quiet

 It's Saturday morning and the kids are not being total monsters. I've managed to doze on the couch and only had to deal with a couple of minor disasters. For the most part, the computer games have seized their little brain cells and held them in thrall.

I stayed up till four o'clock working on Argiope, and got to forty three thousand words. I now preparing the second encounter between Adam, the protagonist, and Antonio. This time Adam finally gets a partial explanation into whats going on. I ended up taking a longer path to this scene than originally intended, but writing sometimes works that way. I had a scene sort of organically develop between two charactor's that would give a little insight into both of them, and allow one to grow.

Anyways, I'm a little bleary eyed from short sleep. But with Rowan only having one week left in school, I have to get as much written as I can. Once she's home, it becomes a little more writing while a marching band parades around my living room and pulls out all the toys. So I'm trying to get to fifty thousand words by the summer. That would give me all summer to get the last thirty or so.

I also have to start focusing on selling some books. As soon as the book cover on goes up. I'll try a specific ad, at a specific site, and measure the results. Actually, I'm still working on my ad strategy as several ideas have come up. Still, it will be interesting to watch, and monitor what works and what doesn't.

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