Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Nice Thing About Being a Writer

The nice thing about being a writer is that you get to call this "research." And who knows, maybe if I make a bunch of money at it, I will be able to write it off as a business expense...okay, that might be a bit much. But there are other types of payoff

It makes you popular with the kiddos. And it gives you a chance to see the world through their eyes. Watching him soak up the midway like he did, inspired me to do the same. I savored the sights, the smells, the feel of a warm spring Texas evening at a carnival. The sky was electric blue and the scents of cut grass blended with popcorn, sausages, and cigars. I told Sheridan to look at everything, and try real hard to remember it all. I hope it's a good memory.

Now it's time to get back into rewrites and rewording awkward sentences in my manuscript. Things are going smoothly, and I still think the loose deadline of early next week is reasonable. I just want to do a good job of this. It's my first book being published, so I want to really, really get it right.

Ah well, back to it...


  1. I love the carnival. There is something about all of the bright lights, cotton candy and screams of delight. What makes it extra special is the seamy underbelly of it all. The disreputable looking carnies, dirt and grime everywhere. I have always thought carnivals are the closest we'll ever get to a true "Tales from The Crypt" kind of environment.

  2. Nowadays the local teenage girls have more tattoos than the carnies. The carnies were actually rather presentable looking. I think a lot of them were from Mexico.
