Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another Good Morning

 I got the kids off on their respective buses today

There are a lot of nearby neighborhood kids who are all pretty much the same age and they are congregating with their parents every morning here on the corner to meet the buses. Sheridan is delighted, because he gets to run and play with other kids before the bus arrives. I took Rowan over as well, but she didn't feel sociable and wanted to be held instead. She is used to being picked up by her bus in our driveway, and isn't always enthusiastic about change. The neighbors offerred to watch Sheridan while I waited in the driveway with Rowan if that would ease things. We shall see.

Finished a final candidate for the second Shades story yesterday (as posted earlier) Unleass I just have some stroke of genius out of the blue, that's the cover I'll go with for "A Memory of Me."

On another note, Pill Hill Press has agreed to drop the price of The Ways of Khrem to $3.99 on the Kindle! That is fantastic, and I'm really hoping this works out well for everybody. I have some promotions planned over the fall and winter, and the new price will help.

Ah well, I've got things to do and people to see.


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