Friday, July 24, 2009

Weekend Follis

I'll be gone for the weekend.

First, I need to fill out these contracts with Pill Hill Press, and get them mailed off. Then I need to pack Rowan and I for our trip to Nonnie and Daddo's house in Bryan. Try a get a couple of other things done, then it will be time to hit the road.

My parents have offered to help me visit the site of Port Sullivan. Port Sullivan was the northern end of the steamboat route on the Brazos River, back before the Civil War. It was once a thriving town. Now there is nothing left but a cemetery. I just want to stand in the place that people did a long time ago, and try to imagine their world. Then maybe I can set a couple of stories in it.

On another note, Windows 7 will be coming out soon. I've been putting off getting a laptop till then. It would be nice to be able to write on the road, or when somebody else has the computer.

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