Thursday, October 14, 2010

Realistic Goals

I ain't what I used to be.

Part of my problem is that I'm trying to live up to goals that only a couple of years ago may have been realistic, but no longer are. I'm still wanting to churn out one publishable novel and twelve publishable short stories a year. I've done it before, and the uncritical part of just assumes I can do it again. Then I get frustrated and despair as I fall off that pace.

I'm just going to have to accept that things have changed.

My hands simply don't function as well as they used to and I type a lot slower than I did even a year ago. Then there is the fact the kids are occupying more of my time. And on top of that is the overrarching fact I've already plucked the low hanging fruit of the easy ideas I've carried around with me for years, and now I'm having to work harder to come up with new ones. And it seems that this is my autumn to be sick, just to add that icing of misery to my layer cake of discontent.

And, of course, as I get less done my mood goes south. So unless I just enjoy wallowing in misery I may need to downgrade my expectations  a little. That way I stay the happy cheery person I'm known for being.

Regardless, I actually do have a short story already written for that takes that pressure off. It's a Christmas story, of all things. Not exactly my usual genre. I'm not even sure what I'll do with it, but at least November is covered.

My productivity is still sputtering. I still think it has more to do with promotion and time usage than anything else. I've been really good on the GFCF thing, but have been to much under the weather to enjoy any benefits. It's hard to notice any increase in mental acuity when your head and sinuses feel stuffed with cotton.

Anyways, I hope everybody out there enjoys their Thursday.

Have fun!


  1. You wrote:
    "I've already plucked the low hanging fruit of the easy ideas I've carried around with me for years, and now I'm having to work harder to come up with new ones."
    Good analogy. I hadn't thought of it that way.
    Hope things even out for you.

  2. It is good that you are recognizing that you have been living with unrealistic expectations. Some people don't ever catch on to that and just keep getting depressed because they are not meeting some impossibly high standard for themselves. Quality is better than quantity.

    I agree with Kae about your analogy.
