Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Doll Play

Here, Rowan is having her doll clean up messes. Now if I can just translate this into a real life activity.
She was hyperactive all afternoon after I picked her up. I practically had to sit on her while waiting for the first therapist, as she was rampaging around the waitiing room and getting into everybody's stuff. Once the therapists took her, I took advantage of the time to get Argiope over 36,000 words. I'm closing in on finishing a long scene, then I can move on to the next part of the book.
Thursday, I'll go back to researching websites by taking a long look at But I need to actually picture some elements for my website in my head before starting on it, or I won't have anything to work with. I probably ought to avoid anything that might be taken as a spider motif, or I'll forever be branded as the "spider author" for sure. It's weird, out of all the stories I've written, only two have featured monstrous spiders...and naturally those two are the ones that became novels. I've written a lot more ghost stories than that, and honestly my ghost stories are some of my best short stories.
Anyways, my third novel may feature a ghost, a gaint termite, or a swarm of killer pandas...but it won't be a blasted spider.


  1. Glad to hear you are getting away from monster arachnids! We all know how I feel about 8 legged monsters of any size!

  2. Well, I've written one that has a large spider in it...and the one I'm halfway through at the moment actually features them...but after that, no more. Back to ghosts or something.

  3. Oh my gosh!! Is that Keith??? I was just telling the story of the time that you yelled "spider" in a crowded room and Tigger beaned the poor thing with a 12-sided die as she was back pedaling across the couch!!!

  4. I beg your pardon. I believe that was a 20 sided die.
