Sunday, May 2, 2010

Closing In

Pill Hill Press has come up with a blurb for the back of the book. Now with that and the cover art done, they are just waiting for me to get the edit to the final proof back to them, so they can incorporate what they want of it. I'm on target to get that to them tomorrow night, and then once they're done with that it's time to send the book off to the printers.
Just, wow.
I never really thought I would do this...actually follow through and bring one of the stories I carry in my head to life in a novel. And yet in a few weeks I'll be holding a copy in my hands.
UPDATE: I finished the final edit this afternoon and went ahead and sent it in.


  1. Amazingly awesome, brother. We knew you had the ability - glad you finally realized it ;-)

  2. I'm just glad it's over. I'm really ready to take a break, then move on to other projects.
