Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Time to Pull Up Those Bootstraps

Once again, my sleep schedule is messed up. Not a good time for that, since Tuesday and Wednesdays are the days I pick Rowan up at noon and take her to her therapist. Sigh. I have always been a night person, trying to be a day person.

Then, on top of being tired I let myself get bummed out by a website that wouldn't review my book when it came out because I'm not a real author in their eyes. They must only believe authors from big name publishers can write, and are worth their time. I remind myself that Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was still sort of depressing.

Maybe it's something in the air. The boy had a bad day at school and didn't earn his early week reward of an afterschool milkshake, and the girl was such a stinker this morning her teacher actually had to call Mom at work. She was okay in the afternoon though. Her moods are sort of like the weather, they come and go without explanation or reason.

Oh well, if I can get some sleep tonight, then maybe I can do something to make Weds a little better.


  1. Hello! I found you through a CMT link. I am also a writer with CMT and two kids- many adventures!

    I hear the frustration about big name publishers- it's like you don't count unless someone 'real' publishes you. I am excited for e-publishing, etc. because I think it will change that model (I hope). Readers find and appreciate good stories no matter what the source. I'll keep reading :)

    Best wishes, Lenka

  2. Nice to meet you! I got a chance to drop by your site. You are a very busy woman.


  3. Thanks for visiting my site! Can't wait to read your book (books?)

    Some days I don't know how to slow down :)

  4. lol! Well, with luck the book will be out in June.

    And I'm an expert in slowing down. It's getting back up to speed that challenges me :P
