Thursday, April 29, 2010

Edit Day

Okay, the housecleaning frenzy of the past few days has been a bit of a mixed success. The house is still a wreck, but the clutter is a little thinner. I'll just have to keep removing stuff they can mess the house up with. Sooner or later, I'll win.

But not today.

Today, I need to change focus and restart my editing. So today and tomorrow are "Edit Day," and I will be parked in front of my computer...with my music playing...and I will start at page one and methodically work my way through the manuscript hunting errors. I'm a little disgruntled that I'll be doing it knee deep in the kid's latest mess, but I guess life ain't perfect.

If I get enough editing done, I'll round up more stuff for the garbage truck on Friday evening. Who knows, maybe I'll find my garage out there. All this housecleaning also gives me a better idea of what needs to be replaced and/or repaired.

For instance, it's about time for a new...
1. Sink/garbage disposal
2. BBQ Grill
3. Couches
4. Curtain rods in the daughter's room
5. Camcorder

I realize the couches may have to wait until the kids are a little older and can be more effectively threatened not to jump on them. No point in getting new ones just to see them destroyed too. On the other hand, it may not hurt to start looking at what bargains might be out there...maybe something to tide us over until we can risk getting nice furniture again.

I know, I know...It sounds like I should be turning in my man card. But hey, there is a BBQ grill and a camcorder on that list! That counts for something!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that. You might want to wait until they are 21. Mine were destroying things right up until a couple years ago, or was it last week? I get confused! And if they aren't, the animals are :-)
