Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Striving Ever Onwards

Okay, I washed and folded laundry all day yesterday and ran two loads of dishes. The house is still a wreck, and I notice my stress levels are unchanged...only now I am completely wiped out from the exertion of yesterday. That's the problem with CMT, you can exhaust yourself and render yourself almost useless the next day or three. Right now my hands are shaking like a drunk with the DT's
I need to get back to editing soon. I put it on hold to try and get caught up on the housework. I either need to set a day or two aside just for this last editing project, or find a few hours a day to do it. I was going with the latter, but I was doing it at night and that was contributing to getting my nights and days all messed up...something that's not good when you have kids. So I will need to strategize a different approach.
I also need to start strategizing my marketing again for the upcoming novel. I will be selling books at Apollocon, and doing a radioblog interview at the end of the month, but I also need to look into other forms of marketing. I'm still thinking in terms of banner ads. An online friend also pointed out the possibility of online video marketing. So there are options to explore.
Right now though, I need to find my house under this mess. I know it's here somewhere.


  1. I'd be happy to feature you on the podcast! I'll ask my husband about a phone interview (he's my tech guru who tells me what's possible with our resources :), or you could send me your story to share with listeners. Living the dream :)
