Friday, May 20, 2011


So I'm just sitting back and letting ideas come.

I'm making no concrete decisions at this time, but simply letting concepts for future projects come to me. I'm kind of mulling each one over, and refusing to get too excited about any of them at this time. Most of them are kind of trivial, half baked ideas anyways, but they are being dutifully recorded for future consideration. But for the most part I'm just taking things easy on the creative front and seeing what happens.

I've been playing with my camera lately. I've had a few ideas concerning that as well, but I'm going to apply the same new philosophy towards these as I'm now using on my writing...I'll ,mention something once I have a finished project to show. I'm hoping this reboots the creative dumps I'm in at the moment, and I think it will...but it will take some time before the results are visible.

That kind of leaves this blog in a bit of limbo, so I'm debating what to do with it now. I might go to a weekly format over the summer. I might just go the route of other writers and only post when I have something to announce. I don't know. I guess it will come to me. I'm not really happy with the quality of posts I had been making over the past few months anyways.

Anyways, nothing is for certain right now. I'm just musing out loud. I've can do that because I've got ten more days until school lets out and I  lose all musing time.

Happy Weekend. Enjoy the rain!


  1. I miss your drawings of yourself like hyperbole and a half. :(

    Also miss seeing you come into the restaurant. :(

    I'm glad you're getting some stuff accomplished before the kids come home for the summer. :D

  2. I miss seeing you every weekend too :(

    But I'm glad you ended up in a happy situation :)
