Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Writer's Night Out

Cherri Galbiati called yesterday evening, and invited me out to a writer's night out at Denny's. Naturally, I leapt at the chance of both getting out of the house, and enjoying adult conversation.
We talked quite a bit about writing, and indulged in foods forbidden by our respective diets. Then we each solomnly swore not to blame the other one for our own dietary naughtiness. Then, with our guilt put properly in perspective, we enjoyed ourselves.
Sometimes talking with another writer can be especially illuminating. You can be explaining something you're doing, and then realize right in the middle of it what you are REALLY doing. And that helps you approach a story from a fresh perspective that really helps. And another writer can provide a fresh pair of eyes, and an insight to help you see what you are blind too. That's one of the reasons I really value those infrequent nights at Denny's...even though it probably set my diet back by a week.
Let me tell you...when you have been sugar and carb free for a month and a half, you just can't stop at one coke.
On the family front, the boy is recovering from his head butt with the fireplace quite nicely, and says he would like to visit the emergency room again soon. I think he is a little unclear on the whole good thing/bad thing concept here. Rowan is a little nonstop dynamo, as always. And Karla has been practicing her new skills as a computer engineer by trying to keep the kids computer running. Overall, she's doing a pretty impressive job.
Me, I'm still hammering away at Argiope. If I can get five thousand words a week done on it, I can have the first draft finished by summer. That's my new goal at the moment.
Oh well, back to work.


  1. And I must say it felt glorious eating all the things a diabetic and a glutton-free soul shouldn't have! lol. (okay, except for the Diet Coke) But, we brainstormed and exchanged ideas moving our WIP right along.

    Thanks for the pointers, Big Guy...now I need to shake things up a bit and break the pendulum! From spiders to two lost dogs to writers on the internet; I tip my hat!


  2. Yeah after "Ways of Khrem" and "Argiope", I will have the spiders out of my system. Then maybe I can shake things up too, and try something new.

    And thanks for catching that boo-boo on my short story.
