Friday, June 4, 2010

Finishing the Week

Well, the last day of school is behind me, and the week is careening towards a rousing finish.

Last night, I invited my friend Cherri Galbiati over to watch me attempt to upload my first short story to the Kindle. Let's just say it was a bit of a learning experience. I think I uploaded and downloaded that thing thirty times, trying to get it to look semi reasonable on the page. And this was while my attention hound of a seven year old was hovering in the background and trying new and original ways to interrupt the process. Fortunately, his sights were mainly on Cherri, and she did an admirable job of keeping the little booger busy.

Finally the process was done, and then I was told to wait about forty eight hours until the story would be available for purchase. Then Cherri and I went out to Denny's to talk writing, but I was so tired I was practically falling asleep in my french fries. So we made an early return of it and I went straight to bed.

Now it's Friday, and I have two kids expecting me to entertain them all day today.


1 comment:

  1. I was impressed with how easy and tedious at the same time the process took for uploading to Kindle. But WOW! What a break-through!! You did it Nate, and made it all look too simple. From the cover to mechanics of the upload. (Hats off to you, Big Guy)

    Any your youngins? They're wonderful, brilliant, and full of life--it was an evening worth the travel.
