Friday, December 11, 2009

More Editing

Not a lot to report. Just squashing typos and overuse of certain words. I've put "Roadkill" through my "passive voice filter" and got that under control, and done a little cleaning up here and there. Nothing makes my attention deficit disorder kick in like editing. I have to remind myself to stay on task and get this done. Hopefully, I will get more feedback from my proofreaders soon and I can go ahead and submit this baby.

Then I can decide whether to attempt one more story or declare victory in my goal to get an even dozen stories out this year and take a break until January. I am going to have to get some Christmas shopping done soon. And there are some things that could be done around the house as well. I could also dig up more Christmas lights and put them up. Work, work, work. Maybe I better try and come up with another story.

We shall see. The funny thing is that every time I finish a story I particularly like, it feels like it was the last good story I had in me. Then I worry. I hate that.


  1. Come on, know you're full of IT! There's TONS of good words left in you to tumble out on the page for all of us to read. (but yeah, I know that 'empty' feeling all too well--like it's the last one in me, so to speak-haha) The ideas kick in and formulate when you are your busiest...with other projects that demand your attention. Then, you sort of feel like screaming because you can't get them out of your head. Why? Because we're stuck in traffic or sitting through a concert. My best thoughts form when I'm sitting in a place like church and can't pull out my laptop and start banging away on the keyboard to get the scene of dismembered body parts stuffed in a casket...out of my head! I never seem to be in the right place at the right when THAT happens!! LOL

  2. "I never seem to be in the right place at the right TIME when that happens." Oops, see this why I usually don't let anything leave my workspace till it's fully edited. :) lol lol


  3. It's ridiculous. Every time I finish a story I get this sinking certainty that I have just used up my last good idea. That I'm all washed up and relegated to the has-been pile. Then I fret and get grouchy until I have another project underway.

  4. Maybe working on novels will smooth things out next year. Having a long project might be a nice change from all these ups and down. On the other hand, I'm sure I'll find other things to grouch about in doing novels. :D
