I've been thinking about "Argiope" and "The Ways of Khrem" again lately. Pretty soon I'll have to look into getting back into those projects. I'm starting to get a feel about how I might do that.
Since I already have a first (albiet terrible) draft of TWoK already done, I can farm it out for advice while going ahead and picking up and writing Argiope where I last left off. I also have some artwork for a possible book cover for Argiope on order, as an inspirational piece while writing it.
"Flight of the Lark" is way down the road, but the research can be done. I just discovered a steamboat museum in Beaumont that I now absolutely must visit. It could be invaluable for FotL.
Plotting the novels I intend to write in the future makes me feel better about the short stories I'm not writing right now. How's that for logic.
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